Group Diversity

This map indicates the country of origin for each of the current group members.

 United States: 4
Evangelos Smith (Austin, Texas)
Blake Dallmann (Green Bay, Wisconsin)
Shafiq Kassees (Waukesha, Wisconsin)
Manon Choisy-Madon (Delafield, Wisconsin)

 Spain: 1
Marc Figueras Valls (Barcelona, Spain)
 Colombia: 1
Javier Chavarrio (Bogota, Colombia)
 China: 2
Lang Xu (Shanghai, China)
Mengru Li (Shijiazhuang, China)
 South Korea: 1
Ho Chang Song (Incheon, South Korea)
 Bangladesh: 1
Tanzina Azad (Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW–Madison.

We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals.

The University of Wisconsin–Madison fulfills its public mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background—people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world.

Diversity Officer: Javier Chavarrio

UW-Madison Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity

CBE Diversity Resource