“Atomic Layer-by-Layer Deposition of Platinum on Palladium Octahedra for Enhanced Catalysts toward the Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, J. Park, L. Zhang, S. Choi, L. T. Roling, N. Lu, J. A. Herron, S. Xie, J. Wang, M. J. Kim, M. Mavrikakis and Y. Xia, ACS Nano9, 2635 (2015). [DOI]
“Atomic Layer-by-Layer Deposition of Pt on Pd Nanocubes for Catalysts with Enhanced Activity and Durability toward Oxygen Reduction”, S. Xie, S.-I. Choi, N. Lu, L. T. Roling, J. A. Herron, L. Zhang, J. Park, J. Wang, M. J. Kim, Z. Xie, M. Mavrikakis, Y. Xia, Nano Letters14, 3570 (2014). [DOI]
“Highly Crystalline Multimetallic Nanoframes with Three-Dimensional Electrocatalytic Surfaces”, C. Chen, Y. Kang, Z. Huo, Z. Zhu, W. Huang, H. L. Xin, J. D. Snyder, D. Li, J. A. Herron, M. Mavrikakis, M. Chi, K. L. More, Y. Li, N. M. Markovic, G. A. Somorjai, P. Yang, V. R. Stamenkovic, Science343, 1339 (2014). [DOI]
“On the Composition of Bimetallic Near Surface Alloys in the Presence of Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide”, J. A. Herron, M. Mavrikakis, Catalysis Communications52, 65 (2014). [DOI]
“Mechanistic Studies of Oxygen Reduction by Hydrogen on PdAg(110)”, C. A. Farberow, A. Godinez-Garcia, G. Peng, J. F. Perez-Robles, O. Solorza-Feria, M. Mavrikakis, ACS Catalysis3, 1622 (2013). [DOI]
“Tuning the Catalytic Activity of Ru@Pt Core–Shell Nanoparticles for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Varying the Shell Thickness”, L. Yang, M. B. Vukmirovic, D. Su, K. Sasaki, J. A. Herron, M. Mavrikakis, S. Liao, R. R. Adzic, Journal of Physical Chemistry C117, 1748 (2013). [DOI]
“Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Platinum-Terminated “Onion-structured” Alloy Catalysts”, J. A. Herron, J. Jiao, K. Hahn, G. Peng, R. R. Adzic, M. Mavrikakis, Electrocatalysis3, 192 (2012). [DOI]
“Catalytic Activity of Platinum Monolayer on Iridium and Rhenium Alloy Nanoparticles for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, H. I. Karan, K. Sasaki, K. Kuttiyiel, C. A. Farberow, M. Mavrikakis, R. R. Adzic, ACS Catalysis2, 817 (2012). [DOI]
“Platinum Monolayer Electrocatalysts for O2 Reduction: Pt Monolayer on Carbon-Supported PdIr Nanoparticles”, S. L. Knupp, M. B. Vukmirovic, P. Haldar, J. A. Herron, M. Mavrikakis, R. R. Adzic, Electrocatalysis1, 213 (2010). [DOI]
“Partial and Complete Reduction of O2 by Hydrogen on Transition Metal Surfaces”, D. C. Ford, A. U. Nilekar, Y. Xu, M. Mavrikakis, Surface Science604, 1565 (2010). [DOI]
“Improving Electrocatalysts for O2 Reduction by Fine-Tuning the Pt-Support Interaction: Pt Monolayer on the Surfaces of a Pd3Fe(111) Single-Crystal Alloy”, W. P. Zhou, X. F. Yang, M. B. Vukmirovic, B. E. Koel, J. Jiao, G. W. Peng, M. Mavrikakis, R. R. Adzic, Journal of the American Chemical Society131, 12755 (2009). [DOI]
“Improved Oxygen Reduction Reactivity of Platinum Monolayers on Transition Metal Surfaces”, A. U. Nilekar, M. Mavrikakis, Surface Science602, L89 (2008). [DOI] Read a commentary paper on publication # 74 by Profs. J. Rossmeisl and J. K. Nørskov
“Bimetallic and Ternary Alloys for Improved Oxygen Reduction Catalysis”, A. U. Nilekar, Y. Xu, J. L. Zhang, M. B. Vukmirovic, K. Sasaki, R. R. Adzic, M. Mavrikakis, Topics in Catalysis46, 276 (2007). [DOI]
“Platinum Monolayer Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction”, M. B. Vukmirovic, J. Zhang, K. Sasaki, A. U. Nilekar, F. Uribe, M. Mavrikakis, R. R. Adzic, Electrochimica Acta52, 2257 (2007). [DOI]
“Platinum Monolayer Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts”, R. R. Adzic, J. Zhang, K. Sasaki, M. B. Vukmirovic, M. Shao, J. X. Wang, A. U. Nilekar, M. Mavrikakis, J. A. Valerio, F. Uribe, Topics in Catalysis46, 249 (2007). [DOI]
“Mixed-Metal Pt Monolayer Electrocatalysts for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Kinetics”, J. L. Zhang, M. B. Vukmirovic, K. Sasaki, A. U. Nilekar, M. Mavrikakis, R. R. Adzic, Journal of the American Chemical Society127, 12480 (2005). [DOI]
“Controlling the Catalytic Activity of Platinum-Monolayer Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction with Different Substrates”, J. L. Zhang, M. B. Vukmirovic, Y. Xu, M. Mavrikakis, R. R. Adzic, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition44, 2132 (2005). [DOI]
“Adsorption and Dissociation of O2 on Pt-Co and Pt-Fe Alloys”, Y. Xu, A. V. Ruban, M. Mavrikakis, Journal of the American Chemical Society126, 4717 (2004). [DOI]