M.S. Chemical Engineering and Material Science,
Ewha Womans University
B.S. Chemical Engineering and Material Science,
Ewha Womans University
- Best poster award, The Korean Vacuum Society (2024)
- Chemical Engineering Process Design Competition Prize, Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (2021)
“Energy Landscapes for Lithium Incorporation and Diffusion in Multidomain Silicon Suboxide Anode Materials”, S. Chae, H. Lim, and S. Lee, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15(49), 57059 (2023). [DOI]“Thermal atomic layer etching of cobalt using plasma chlorination and chelation with hexafluoroacetylacetone”, S. Chae, Y. Kim, H. Ha, H. Lee, S. Lee, and H. Chae, Applied Surface Science 619, 156751 (2023). [DOI]“Oxygen promoter on copper-silver coupling for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction catalysts”, S. Im, H. Park, Y. Kim, E. Kwon, S. Chae, H. Lim, and S. Lee, Applied Surface Science 573, 151532 (2022). [DOI]