Past and Present Collaborators


INTPART-project CATHEX (Advances in heterogeneous catalysis through integrated theoretical and experimental efforts)
The Research Council of Norway

The CATHEX project, with support from the INTPART program funded by the Research Council of Norway, is a large network project running from 2020 to 2025. It links the Industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation (iCSI) center of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Oslo with four world-leading catalysis groups: University of Cape Town (South Africa), East China University of Science and Technology (China), University of Toronto (Canada), and University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). The core activity of the network will be to strengthen the integration of theory and experiments in catalysis research and education through personnel exchange and shared workshops.

Past and Present CATHEX Collaborators:



    • Freund, Hajo Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany
    • Venvik, Hilde Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway